среда, 14 декабря 2016 г.

Oreo 2.5

Oreo Chanel Players and Physical Distribution

      It is important to mention that I am going to compere 2 supermarkets in different countries. The Netherlands and USA.

Photo and data from America were given by my friend who is living there nowadays.

First of all, it is obvious that in America Oreo is a market leader. You can see that supermarket create some decoration to underline BRAND not a cookie. However, at the Nederland supermarkets not only don’t give some personal space for a product but also put the main competitors (like Milka) near. Strategy of both Dutch and USA supermarkets have pros and cons. But for the Oreo cookies of course it is better to have no competitors near them and be underlined by special decorations like it is in America. The location of Oreo in the PLUS is at the end of supermarket while at United supermarket – directly at the middle.
Secondly, shop atmosphere. According to my friend it is no atmosphere at American supermarket at all, no music, employees in gray clothing, but it is New Year atmosphere near Oreo and this big difference might be even better for Oreo because from grey everyday life person come to shave with Oreo and fill the atmosphere of the holiday. Differently, in PLUS there is nice atmosphere, everything is colorfully, employees waring green clothes.

To be honest, for Oreo this factors is not important at all. Because you can buy Oreo everywhere. 

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