понедельник, 10 октября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.5

Oreo environmental analysis

     Recently Oreo add a new video to his Facebook page in which a couple arguing and trying to decide which film they going to watch. So, each of them are take a half of Oreo cookie and first one who will eat all cream using only tong – win. It is new marketing campaign called “Lick Race” this come instead of “Twist, link, dunk”. Oreo force people to buy the Oreo cookies by creating new prizes as 1 year of free Oreo cookies for you. Moreover, it forces people to promote Oreo by putting a video in which you are lick the cream in social media with #OreoLickRace hashtag. (@Oreo, 2016)  
     From the Oreo annual report 2015 I can say that the most important external factors for Oreo is Economical and Demographical. Demographical because target groups are different in different countries, size of population play big role in amount of selling. While economical factor is important because it is demonstrating ability of people to buy the Oreo cookies. (Earn, 2015)
     The Central Bureau of Statistic articles were checked by me in order to understood which relevant data about the external environment might influence Oreo. It is Nederland’s CBOS so all data related to the Nederland and possible changes for Oreo also related only to the Nederland market.  I found two interesting articles, first one named “Household population are growing” in which you can find some figures that proves that nowadays at the Nederland amount of families are growing. (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek , 2016) One of the main target group for  Oreo is families and children so it is high possibilities that amount of Oreo cookies sales in the Nederland also will increase. Moreover, the situation represented in second article “Economic situation is improving” make the Nederland even better for selling Oreo. It is important to notes that people are thinking that economical situation is improving so they can afford more. And people who like but didn’t buy Oreo because of saving money, now can rethink about it. (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek , 2016)
     In the Nederland people more eat sandwiches as snacks, so Oreo might not be in each children school rucksack like it is in America. Also people in the Nederland very careful to money, they better will do everything by themselves instead of buying ready product, in order to reduce expenditure.


@Oreo. (2016, October 10). Oreo. Retrieved from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oreo
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek . (2016, September 23). Economic situation is improving. Retrieved from CBS: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/38/economic-situation-is-improving
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek . (06 September 2016 г.). Household population are growing. Получено из Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek : https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/36/household-population-growing-in-and-around-major-cities

Earn, C. (2015, July 25). OREO Annual Report 2015. Retrieved from Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/27412923/OREO-Annual-Report-2015

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