среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.4

Oreo is not b2b orientated company. However, it has some deals (for sailing cookies) to others companies in business market. For example, in my home country Ukraine, Oreo officially don’t sell its cookies but you can easily found it at the supermarkets or make an order from the Internet. It is become question how it possible? The answer would be that some companies in Ukraine contact Oreo and make a deal with them – Oreo sealing their goods for lower price while Ukrainian companies baying a lot. From the webpage of one of this companies: “Our company is not an official representative of the company Mondelez International. Our online store is engaged in retail sales of confectionery products different import brands in Ukraine, based on private entrepreneurship.” (Rigez Agency , 2016)
     This example clearly demonstrates straight rebuy purchase model when routine repurchase of the same products under approximately the same terms of sale. First of all, companies recognise a problem in our case it is willing to make a money. Then, the development product speciation stage where peculiarities that product has to contained are claimed by CEO of the company. Next, principals look for the product which suit needs and after founding all possible products it is become evaluation phase after which CEO decide which product to buy. After first transaction and some feedback company decide to continue b2b relationship or not.


Rigez Agency . (2016, September 28). Печенье OREO в Украине. Retrieved from Oreo in Ukraine : http://oreo.com.ua/

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