среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.3

As I mentioned in mine previous works, the main Oreo target group is children. Because Oreo sell its cookies all over the world, the behavior, social environment and decision taken process are different in each region. I would like to take as example Arabic countries because the quantity of sold Oreo cookies at that region is the highest in proportion cookies/population.
     To begin with, in general in Arabic countries is Islamic countries which means that family life cycles are followed hear are usually all family members. Moreover, usually youth don’t live separately and independently until it’s become time for them to build their own families. In addition, in general Arabic people like to eat sweet food and snacks. They like to watch TV and they are more influenced by promotion. This environment creates for Oreo almost perfect condition, however, the price of the Oreo is not affordable for some groups of people if the countries.  
     The best stages of the family life cycle for Oreo is Parenting and Launching because as I mentioned beyond, Oreo target group is children. However, it does not mean that in other stages it is no sold cookies, especially in Arabic region. Oreo is convenience good, customers prefer to bought it at the shop or supermarket, it is traditional shopping. It is important that the Arabic people very loyal to brand which they are chose. When the customer realizes that he wants fast and sweet food it is his first step in decision making process. Next, he is trying to remember what he saw at the TV, internet, etc. advertisement for satisfying his needs. In the next step, customer evaluate varieties of brand which might sweet him. And then choose rather Oreo or not. If client choose Oreo and fells dissatisfied, he would probably have cognitive dissonance. (Samreen, 2016)

      If you want to see the attitude scale for measuring consumer attitudes towards Oreo cookies please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Samreen, D. (2016, September 21). Market research on Oreo. Retrieved from Scribd : https://ru.scribd.com/doc/28443502/Market-research-on-Oreo


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