среда, 16 ноября 2016 г.

Oreo 2.1

Oreo attitude survey

In order research consumer attitudes towards Oreo the attitude survey where created by me. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make it good enough in Word so I used Google forms. You can look on it in original version by clicking on link below. The screenshots of survey are in appendix. (app.1)

Nielsen retail panel

It is two marketing datasets
·        Consumer Panel Data
·        Retail Scanner Data

“Retail Scanner data consist of weekly pricing, volume, and store environment information generated by point-of-sale systems from more than 90 participating retail chains across all US markets.” (University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2016)
For the Oreo it would be nice to have and they can buy information about:  participating stores report units, price, price multiplier, baseline units, baseline price, feature indicator, and display indicator of their competitors’ products. The benefit of this information is that Oreo would know how business of competitors going, they can see which new products they have, see how big is market share of each separate product, etc. After collecting all this information, it would be easy to understand in which aspects company have problems, or evaluate how everything going compared by previous year/planning for this year. In addition, it saves a lot of time for company staff because they do not need to do researcher by themselves.  


GfK is a marketing research company, which can provide date related to: retail panel, consumer panel, cross-media panel, social media intelligence and ad-hoc market research data.
For the consumer panel GfK can provide information abouth who your consumers are, their attitudes and behaviors, across all channels. Moreover, data about: shopping behavior; where consumers go to find new products, how they research and compare products, how they use them and the factors that drive their decision making and path to purchase, also could be given. In addition, the GfK consumer panel also can provide data and strategy for became market leader but Oreo is already market leader and do not need this data. (Knaeble, 2016)

Therefore, for Oreo it would be great to know factors that drive product decision making of people in cookies market. Firstly, because of high competitor ratio. Secondly, to know how to attract new customers for the company. Of course all information provided by GfK consumer panel is important, however, Oreo already know a lot about attitudes and behaviors of their customers while factors of product decision making changing extremely fast.

 If you want to see appendix please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Knaeble, S. (2016, November 16). Consumer panels. Retrieved from GfK: http://www.gfk.com/solutions/consumer-panel/
University of Chicago Booth School of Business. (2016, November 16). Nielsen Datasets. Retrieved from ChicagoBooth: https://research.chicagobooth.edu/nielsen/datasets/#simple2

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