среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.4

Oreo is not b2b orientated company. However, it has some deals (for sailing cookies) to others companies in business market. For example, in my home country Ukraine, Oreo officially don’t sell its cookies but you can easily found it at the supermarkets or make an order from the Internet. It is become question how it possible? The answer would be that some companies in Ukraine contact Oreo and make a deal with them – Oreo sealing their goods for lower price while Ukrainian companies baying a lot. From the webpage of one of this companies: “Our company is not an official representative of the company Mondelez International. Our online store is engaged in retail sales of confectionery products different import brands in Ukraine, based on private entrepreneurship.” (Rigez Agency , 2016)
     This example clearly demonstrates straight rebuy purchase model when routine repurchase of the same products under approximately the same terms of sale. First of all, companies recognise a problem in our case it is willing to make a money. Then, the development product speciation stage where peculiarities that product has to contained are claimed by CEO of the company. Next, principals look for the product which suit needs and after founding all possible products it is become evaluation phase after which CEO decide which product to buy. After first transaction and some feedback company decide to continue b2b relationship or not.


Rigez Agency . (2016, September 28). Печенье OREO в Украине. Retrieved from Oreo in Ukraine : http://oreo.com.ua/

среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.3

As I mentioned in mine previous works, the main Oreo target group is children. Because Oreo sell its cookies all over the world, the behavior, social environment and decision taken process are different in each region. I would like to take as example Arabic countries because the quantity of sold Oreo cookies at that region is the highest in proportion cookies/population.
     To begin with, in general in Arabic countries is Islamic countries which means that family life cycles are followed hear are usually all family members. Moreover, usually youth don’t live separately and independently until it’s become time for them to build their own families. In addition, in general Arabic people like to eat sweet food and snacks. They like to watch TV and they are more influenced by promotion. This environment creates for Oreo almost perfect condition, however, the price of the Oreo is not affordable for some groups of people if the countries.  
     The best stages of the family life cycle for Oreo is Parenting and Launching because as I mentioned beyond, Oreo target group is children. However, it does not mean that in other stages it is no sold cookies, especially in Arabic region. Oreo is convenience good, customers prefer to bought it at the shop or supermarket, it is traditional shopping. It is important that the Arabic people very loyal to brand which they are chose. When the customer realizes that he wants fast and sweet food it is his first step in decision making process. Next, he is trying to remember what he saw at the TV, internet, etc. advertisement for satisfying his needs. In the next step, customer evaluate varieties of brand which might sweet him. And then choose rather Oreo or not. If client choose Oreo and fells dissatisfied, he would probably have cognitive dissonance. (Samreen, 2016)

      If you want to see the attitude scale for measuring consumer attitudes towards Oreo cookies please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Samreen, D. (2016, September 21). Market research on Oreo. Retrieved from Scribd : https://ru.scribd.com/doc/28443502/Market-research-on-Oreo


среда, 14 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.2

Oreo Mission Statement “We want our consumers to regard us as their primary snack food. We want our customers to know that we have their wants and needs in mind along with working to create products that will cater to their health conscious lifestyles.” (Altaf, 2015)
     Oreo is the market leader but it does not mean that it has no competitors. It has long been the best-selling cookies in the world. Their feature which distinguishes Oreos cookies from other is “Twist, lick, dunk”. It is huge marketing campaign which create from just cookies - a game which attract not only children but some adults as well. At the appendices you can see main competitors with their strange and weaknesses and produce offered by Oreo. Overall, we can make a few categories, competitors with qualitative and with bad quality cookies. The strong disadvantage of first group is Oreo reputation while strongest advantage is that people might get used to Oreo cookies and would like to try something new. For second group cons is quality and while pros I price and sometimes people are ready to sacrifice quality in order to save many. It is important to notice that Oreo reputation, well-known brand name, acquisitions with Dominos Pizza, Mc Donalds, Cakes, and Baskin Robbins., explain why exactly Oreo the market leader. (Samreen, 2016)

     Nowadays, by observing Oreo product lines and what it has been offering, we can realize that they are using Product Development Strategy. Which mean offering improved products on present market. Basically everything that Oreo sale is cookies, just with different size, flavor, etc.

For appendics please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com


Altaf, H. (2015, August 6). Oreo. Retrieved from SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/hasnain21hasnain/oreo-51341112
Samreen, D. (2016, September 14). Market research on Oreo. Retrieved from Scribd: https://ru.scribd.com/doc/28443502/Market-research-on-Oreo


среда, 7 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.1

     The Oreo products were chosen by me. Oreo was established in 1912 they started to sell the same product with Hydrox, chocolate cookies with crème. Hydrox were created by a small bakery in 1908 and in 4 years the baking giant Nabisco start selling almost the same product but in well-designed packaging. As a result, the small bakery was largely discontinued in 1999. (Rosenberg, 2016) That is the very good example of marketing influence. Nowadays, the company name is Kraft, the division is Nabisco and brand is Oreo. The core product is a sandwich cookies consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet crème filling in between. The biggest benefit of it is that it is not a high-priced product and the sweet delicious snacks at the same time. So even children’s are able to buy it, which is one of their targets group. It is Convenience goods because millions of people buying it every day, you can easily found it not only at big supermarkets but in small shops as well so it widely available product. In addition, it is very easy to found Oreo cookies especially “Original” one. Brand Oreo knew since 20 centuries and they continue big marketing program until nowadays. The latest example is the participation of sister Williams (one of the bests tennis player in the world) and of brothers Manning’s (famous football players). (Oreo, 2016) It is high-quality product because the company position to make a better product than their competitors. However, Oreo consists a lot of fat so it is not healthy food. The design is simple but pretty. Blue color of the package with cookie and milk at the middle. The most popular are a package with two and four original cookies inside. Oreo has a big verity of taste and size of the package for the different target group. For example, the family would buy “family” package with 10 small packages with 2 Oreo cookies insight. Children’s would buy a classic package with 2 or 4 cookies inside. Now, Oreo provides few features to their product like Oreo cookies with mint taste or small size of cookies. These innovations make target group bigger and attract new customers.
Oreo has only one product line it is Oreo cookies with different taste and size.
The most popular version of Oreo by size
Double Stuf Oreo, Big Stuf Oreo, Mini Oreo, and Triple Double Oreo The most popular version of oreo by taste
Strawberry Milkshake Oreo, Green Tea Oreo, Blueberry Ice Cream Oreo and Cool MintCream Oreo

Now Oreo is on decline stage of product life cycle because comparing to the previous year they have lower profit and market share. It is still highest comparing to their competitors but it was higher. The brand name is Oreo; it is metaphor type of brand name because “Oreo «means black outside but white inside. It was chosen because Oreo is chocolate (black outside) cookies with crème (white inside). (Uzor, 2015)

Oreo. (20 Apri 2016 y.). frequently asked questions. Retrieved from Oreo:
Rosenberg, J. (4 February 2016 y.). History of the Oreo Cookie. Retrieved from history1900s:
Uzor, Z. (30 December 2015 y.). Product Life Cycle of Oreo Cookies. Retrieved from Prezi:
