четверг, 22 декабря 2016 г.

Oreo 1.7

Oreo Marketing planning and forecasting sales potential

I will use break down approach (based on market potential and general economic data) to estimate sales potential. First of all, the market size of packaged food in the Netherlands (only sweet snacks) has a downward trend. As you can see from the Euromonitor table in 2013 the market size was almost 800-million-euro while in 2015 it was just under 770 million. In comparing with other countries, of course, it is not that big market, moreover, Oreo is not a market leader in the Netherlands, even more, the competition rate is very high on this market. In addition, Oreo is expensive cookies while people in the Netherlands very sensitive to price and the price might influence their decision.

(Euromonitor, 2016)
To improve the current situation, I recommend for Oreo to write a marketing plan for the Dutch market. Because Oreo is a market leader in biggest markets in the world (USA, India, etc.) for them it might not be a problem to become a market leader if they will aim it. However, I don’t recommend to put a lot of affords for it and the main reason is because it is a very small market. If for example, Oreo will give some top managers from India or the USA it might damage their position at a few times bigger markets. However, if Oreo has an opportunity to create a high-quality marketing plan without damaging themselves I recommend to cover this aspect:
-        Flavor which Dutch people like more
-        Investigate age of perfect customer
-        Price which Dutch people ready to pay for the cookies

For forecasting, I will recommend using Survey method because it’s cheap, and at the same time demonstrate high representatives. However, Survey has Inflexible design and it is possible inappropriateness of questions.


Euromonitor. (2016, December 23). Statistics. Retrieved from Euromonitor: http://www.portal.euromonitor.com.saxion.idm.oclc.org/portal/statistics/tab

среда, 21 декабря 2016 г.

Oreo 2.6

Oreo Services Marketing

     Oreo focused completely on its products and offer almost nothing as service. However, the only service which Oreo is giving is the excursions to their factories. In this work, I will use 7P’s model in order to create a marketing mix for this service.

Product. Oreo has 21 factories but only 3 of them are available for visiting. Usually, they give an excursion to school kids and people who won an opportunity to visit Oreo during Oreo promotion events.  
Price. It is for free, however, victors paying for transport or use their own.
Promotion. A tour is a tool of promotion it pushes Oreo lovers to buy even more Oreo to get bigger chance to visit one of the Oreo factories. For schools, it is one of the Oreo charity events.
Place. Location, where the biggest amount of tours occur, is Canada, Montreal, Viau street.  
People. It is no information at the official website and across the internet about the special employee involved. However, it is logical that the regular workers and a tour guide are involved.
Physical Evidence. The visitors are able to try whatever they want from the available Oreo products, also, it during the excursion it will be an interactive guide for people “how to cook Oreo cookies at home”.
Process. You need to send the unique code by the website and if you win you will get all instruction about time and place. If it is a school trip you need to contact Oreo office to put your school on the line.
(Banerjee, 2012)
I don’t see any services that Oreo should offer. It is a market leader in a lot of countries and well-known brand. However, it would be great for fans to visited the factories. I recommend to Oreo create tours for people who want, of course not for free.

The intangibility of this service is obvious. You cannot touch or smell the tour. You would be only able to order it on the Oreo website.
Inseparability isn’t really occurred, because you order a tour and you have to wait until enough people will order the same one.
Perishability is related to inseparability because it is impossible to give a tour without people who order it. Also, I believe that it won’t be extremely popular and if somebody wants to visit the factory he/she need to wait until group will be full in another case it will damage the profit of the company.
Variability of this service is not important for our type of service. You don’t need any representatives of the company if you want to visit factory alone or with friends. All information will be given at the website.
     It is important for the company to provide qualitative service. For the tour, it is not that hard. For example, it is important to have a skilled guide person. This person has to be able to work with children, to have more than average communication skills and be able to answer all types of question (had knowledge not only about Oreo but also about technical part). Moreover, it would be nice to create as much interaction as possible. It doesn’t matter you give a tour for children or adults everybody who visited this kind of excursions would like to interact to be involved in the process, etc.   
     Oreo is selling in more than 100 countries across the world. It is a well-known brand with a reputation of the qualitative product. It is important to mention that Oreo becomes popular because of marketing campaign “twist lick dunk” and know it created new one – “racing”. I believe that now Oreo is not selling only at the countries of the 3ed World (with the lowest economy) and I will not recommend exporting there at all. However, if it is a task and if it is necessary to export I would at least not do any expensive promotions in order to sell cookies at the lower price for people to be able to buy it. Also, people at the under developing countries might have no idea what is Oreo and in this case, I would recommend to give for a free one pack of Oreo just for people to try, to create a stimulus to buy cookies. (The World of Oreo, 2014)
     Regular personnel doesn't have a big influence on Oreo. Oreo factories are robotized and don’t need a lot of stuff, just to control robots. Also, there is no face to face communication with clients which let workers be less qualified. However, in highest levels of management only best of the best professionals have to be. Because it is a huge company, it is hard to control and take a decision. Moreover, the majority of the loyal customers like Oreo because of advertisement, therefore, advertising department have to be extremely qualified.


Banerjee, S. (2012, March 1). Inside the Oreo. Retrieved from Arts&Life: http://thechronicleherald.ca/artslife/68901-inside-the-oreo-factory-opens-doors-for-cookies-100th-birthday
The World of Oreo. (2014, September 20). Integrated Marketing Communication. Retrieved from Milks Favorite Cookies: https://milksfavouritecookie.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/

среда, 14 декабря 2016 г.

Oreo 2.5

Oreo Chanel Players and Physical Distribution

      It is important to mention that I am going to compere 2 supermarkets in different countries. The Netherlands and USA.

Photo and data from America were given by my friend who is living there nowadays.

First of all, it is obvious that in America Oreo is a market leader. You can see that supermarket create some decoration to underline BRAND not a cookie. However, at the Nederland supermarkets not only don’t give some personal space for a product but also put the main competitors (like Milka) near. Strategy of both Dutch and USA supermarkets have pros and cons. But for the Oreo cookies of course it is better to have no competitors near them and be underlined by special decorations like it is in America. The location of Oreo in the PLUS is at the end of supermarket while at United supermarket – directly at the middle.
Secondly, shop atmosphere. According to my friend it is no atmosphere at American supermarket at all, no music, employees in gray clothing, but it is New Year atmosphere near Oreo and this big difference might be even better for Oreo because from grey everyday life person come to shave with Oreo and fill the atmosphere of the holiday. Differently, in PLUS there is nice atmosphere, everything is colorfully, employees waring green clothes.

To be honest, for Oreo this factors is not important at all. Because you can buy Oreo everywhere. 

среда, 7 декабря 2016 г.

Oreo 2.4

Oreo Distribution Channel

Oreo is also relying on strong distribution push to make its presence felt in India under Cabbury. The brand is focusing both on modern and retail trade.  As we know that the various levels of marketing Channels for any product which can be zero, one, two, three depending upon how the product flows from manufacturer to consumer.

Oreo in this case uses a hybrid of  level 1 and  3 for consumer marketing channels.


Cadbury the manufacturer of Oreo in India, produces it and then directly send it to the retailers like the Supermarts, departmental stores etc. Also in places where there is heavy distributorship, Cadbury involves two level channel system which goes through a wholesaler and a retailer. This is the most commonly used in consumer markets. Like for example Oreo will send its stock to a wholesaler in Chennai who will in turn sell it to a retailer let’s say Big bazaar, Hypercity or a departmental store.
Oreo’s reach since it’s been only 3 years in the Indian market has been found to be low when compared to that of its competitors and these gaps found in the process of distribution of Oreo need to be identified. Oreo distribution can be increased and bring it in-par to its competitors and thus increase the sales of Oreo by identifying potential areas and store types especially in the Tier2 and Tier3 cities. (Wordpress, 2016)

 Oreo is sold everywhere started from big supermarket and finishing buy small markets. So, it is no influence on product image by retail concept in which it is sold.

Oreo developed a strategy to take on the existing market leaders which included Britannia, ITC and Parle. Internally, they referred to this strategy as TLD (Take Leaders Down). Its focus was to target the 10 million households which consumed 70 per cent of the cream biscuits. It entered the Indian market as Cadbury Oreos as Cadbury had a better brand recognition among the Indian consumers when compared to Kraft. It has targeted the small towns and Kirana stores along with modern stores in big cities. As a result of this strategy its market share has grown from one per cent after its debut to 30 per cent. (SIMCON Consulting Club, 2016)


SIMCON Consulting Club. (2016, February 25). Oreo. Retrieved from SIMCON Blog: https://simconblog.wordpress.com/2016/02/25/oreo-case-study-analysis/
Wordpress. (2016, December 6). The World of Oreo. Retrieved from Milks Favourite Cookie: https://milksfavouritecookie.wordpress.com/2014/09/19/distribution/

среда, 30 ноября 2016 г.

Oreo 2.3

The brand positioning map where created by me based on the interviews. For the interviews I found 3 “snacks addicted” persons and ask them question from my questionner. Majority believe that Kraft produce high qualitied and expensive cookies. In addition, I gather data from the different databases about main Kraft competitors and also put them in my market positioning map.

Consumer perceptions of Oreo survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciaviavYAwWq1-Tk54MZgS1EVPWibdvqJIYo3tZsKhx9lFVQ/viewform

среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.

Oreo 2.2

Oreo Segmenting markets   

Market segmentation defined as a process of dividing a market into distinct group of consumers who have common characteristics, needs or behavior to selecting one or more segment to target with a distinct marketing mix. (TrackMaven, 2016). Oreo have their own abilities to serve their target market and they putting much effort and attention on specific segment. First, geographic segmentation is dividing the market into different geographical units. For example, Malaysia has a good condition for the cookie industry. That is because coffee stands for cookie culture. Consequently, Malaysians can go through the coffee to know more about the cookie culture. Oreo had chosen to focus on psychographics, demographics lifestyle of consumer.

Psychographics is also referred as behavioral segmentation, it based on consumer's lifestyle, interests, activities, expectation and attitude, which mean what customer preferred, how they spent their time, and the most important is how they feels about issued and event. Oreo heavily involved and promoted in education, charity and the environment. They satisfied their customers Oreo provide some program where their customer can win some goods. Also, Oreo participates in charity activity. (Gavronski, 2015)
Demographics divided the market into groups based on age, gender, income, occupation, size of family, education, race, nationality and religion. Oreo target small children and teenagers 6 - 17 years. Their products are normally aimed in primary school, high school, and even college. The price for Oreo's product is affordable and fair. Even if people do not have a big income they still can buy Oreo products. (Milksfavouritecookie, 2014)
A company can enter one or more of these segments after they defined market segments. Market targeting involves breaking a market into segments, and then focused, selecting on one or more segments to enter. Oreo is focuses on kindergarten kids, primarily school students and family.
Oreo does not target adult directly, but they have some products like ice-cream, cake and pie. So, Oreo also suits for family. Nowadays, Oreo is trying to refine and improve their products to satisfy their customer more. (Gutierrez, 2012)
Position is arranging for product to occupy a clear, distinctive and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers. Company wants to develop a unique market position for its product. Therefore, Oreo products always have been perceived with a high-status image by their advertisement. With their high quality products, variety of tastes, customers are willing to pay for the products. Oreo is uses the emotional appeal here in to reinforce its product as a binding force between Parents and their children (‘Twist-lick-dunk’ game). It helps tap the small children who would pester their parents to buy them Oreo cookies. (Milksfavouritecookie, 2016)


Gavronski, M. (2015, Apri; 11). Oreo campaign analysis . Retrieved from Prezi: https://prezi.com/9vkkdr2dny45/copy-of-oreo-campaign-analysis/
Gutierrez, M. (2012, December 3). The Ethics of Social Media Marketing. Retrieved from The Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mateo-gutierrez/social-media-marketing_b_2206357.html?
Milksfavouritecookie. (2014, September 12). MARKETING MIX ELEMENTS. Retrieved from The World of Oreo: https://milksfavouritecookie.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/marketing-mix-elements/
Milksfavouritecookie. (2016, November 22). Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning. Retrieved from The World of Oreo: https://milksfavouritecookie.wordpress.com/2014/09/21/segmentation-targeting-positioning/

TrackMaven. (2016, November 22). Market Segmentation. Retrieved from TrackMaven: http://trackmaven.com/marketing-dictionary/market-segmentation/

среда, 16 ноября 2016 г.

Oreo 2.1

Oreo attitude survey

In order research consumer attitudes towards Oreo the attitude survey where created by me. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make it good enough in Word so I used Google forms. You can look on it in original version by clicking on link below. The screenshots of survey are in appendix. (app.1)

Nielsen retail panel

It is two marketing datasets
·        Consumer Panel Data
·        Retail Scanner Data

“Retail Scanner data consist of weekly pricing, volume, and store environment information generated by point-of-sale systems from more than 90 participating retail chains across all US markets.” (University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2016)
For the Oreo it would be nice to have and they can buy information about:  participating stores report units, price, price multiplier, baseline units, baseline price, feature indicator, and display indicator of their competitors’ products. The benefit of this information is that Oreo would know how business of competitors going, they can see which new products they have, see how big is market share of each separate product, etc. After collecting all this information, it would be easy to understand in which aspects company have problems, or evaluate how everything going compared by previous year/planning for this year. In addition, it saves a lot of time for company staff because they do not need to do researcher by themselves.  


GfK is a marketing research company, which can provide date related to: retail panel, consumer panel, cross-media panel, social media intelligence and ad-hoc market research data.
For the consumer panel GfK can provide information abouth who your consumers are, their attitudes and behaviors, across all channels. Moreover, data about: shopping behavior; where consumers go to find new products, how they research and compare products, how they use them and the factors that drive their decision making and path to purchase, also could be given. In addition, the GfK consumer panel also can provide data and strategy for became market leader but Oreo is already market leader and do not need this data. (Knaeble, 2016)

Therefore, for Oreo it would be great to know factors that drive product decision making of people in cookies market. Firstly, because of high competitor ratio. Secondly, to know how to attract new customers for the company. Of course all information provided by GfK consumer panel is important, however, Oreo already know a lot about attitudes and behaviors of their customers while factors of product decision making changing extremely fast.

 If you want to see appendix please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Knaeble, S. (2016, November 16). Consumer panels. Retrieved from GfK: http://www.gfk.com/solutions/consumer-panel/
University of Chicago Booth School of Business. (2016, November 16). Nielsen Datasets. Retrieved from ChicagoBooth: https://research.chicagobooth.edu/nielsen/datasets/#simple2

среда, 12 октября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.6

Oreo international marketing

Oreo is an international brand. It has global marketing level of the international involvement of the manufacturer, because selling their cookies in more than 100 countries around the World. The biggest biscuit market is on India and Oreo are market leader with 1.2% of market share (app 2.1). Oreo used Sustainability marketing strategy. It is “a business strategy that drives long-term corporate growth and profitability by mandating the inclusion of environmental and social issues in their marketing efforts. Within business practices, sustainability is closely related to corporate social responsibility.” (Wordpress, 2014).
     Unfortunately, I didn’t find any data about impact of the recent international turmoil in Oreo. However, recently Oreo decide to close on factory at Chicago and fired 1,200 workers. This decision creates a lot of negative feedback from the Oreo lowers but they don’t change their decision. This situation might reduce number of Oreo customers but in general it will not have strong influence on Oreo. (Trotter, 2016)
     New international legal forces which have an impact on Oreo manufacturing.

1.     Feed-in tariffs and feed-in premiums”
2.     “Limit on total funding obtained by RES installation”
3.     Bid price caps

All of them are related to energy consumption. Now the big factories have to use special energy saving equipment, price for electricity are growth. However, if the company spent less electricity that planted they will receive some money from special institute. (Hajduk, 2015)

 If you want to see appendix please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Hajduk, R. (2015, April 20). New renewables legislation. Retrieved from International Law Office: http://www.internationallawoffice.com/Newsletters/Energy-Natural-Resources/Poland/Norton-Rose-Fulbright-LLP/New-renewables-legislation
Trotter, G. (2016, February 20). As Oreo bakery layoffs loom, workers face hard decisions. Retrieved from ChicagoTribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-oreo-bakery-layoffs-impact-0221-biz-20160219-story.html

Wordpress. (2014, September 26). The World of Oreo. Retrieved from Milks Favourite Cookie: https://milksfavouritecookie.wordpress.com/

понедельник, 10 октября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.5

Oreo environmental analysis

     Recently Oreo add a new video to his Facebook page in which a couple arguing and trying to decide which film they going to watch. So, each of them are take a half of Oreo cookie and first one who will eat all cream using only tong – win. It is new marketing campaign called “Lick Race” this come instead of “Twist, link, dunk”. Oreo force people to buy the Oreo cookies by creating new prizes as 1 year of free Oreo cookies for you. Moreover, it forces people to promote Oreo by putting a video in which you are lick the cream in social media with #OreoLickRace hashtag. (@Oreo, 2016)  
     From the Oreo annual report 2015 I can say that the most important external factors for Oreo is Economical and Demographical. Demographical because target groups are different in different countries, size of population play big role in amount of selling. While economical factor is important because it is demonstrating ability of people to buy the Oreo cookies. (Earn, 2015)
     The Central Bureau of Statistic articles were checked by me in order to understood which relevant data about the external environment might influence Oreo. It is Nederland’s CBOS so all data related to the Nederland and possible changes for Oreo also related only to the Nederland market.  I found two interesting articles, first one named “Household population are growing” in which you can find some figures that proves that nowadays at the Nederland amount of families are growing. (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek , 2016) One of the main target group for  Oreo is families and children so it is high possibilities that amount of Oreo cookies sales in the Nederland also will increase. Moreover, the situation represented in second article “Economic situation is improving” make the Nederland even better for selling Oreo. It is important to notes that people are thinking that economical situation is improving so they can afford more. And people who like but didn’t buy Oreo because of saving money, now can rethink about it. (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek , 2016)
     In the Nederland people more eat sandwiches as snacks, so Oreo might not be in each children school rucksack like it is in America. Also people in the Nederland very careful to money, they better will do everything by themselves instead of buying ready product, in order to reduce expenditure.


@Oreo. (2016, October 10). Oreo. Retrieved from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oreo
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek . (2016, September 23). Economic situation is improving. Retrieved from CBS: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/38/economic-situation-is-improving
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek . (06 September 2016 г.). Household population are growing. Получено из Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek : https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/36/household-population-growing-in-and-around-major-cities

Earn, C. (2015, July 25). OREO Annual Report 2015. Retrieved from Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/27412923/OREO-Annual-Report-2015

среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.4

Oreo is not b2b orientated company. However, it has some deals (for sailing cookies) to others companies in business market. For example, in my home country Ukraine, Oreo officially don’t sell its cookies but you can easily found it at the supermarkets or make an order from the Internet. It is become question how it possible? The answer would be that some companies in Ukraine contact Oreo and make a deal with them – Oreo sealing their goods for lower price while Ukrainian companies baying a lot. From the webpage of one of this companies: “Our company is not an official representative of the company Mondelez International. Our online store is engaged in retail sales of confectionery products different import brands in Ukraine, based on private entrepreneurship.” (Rigez Agency , 2016)
     This example clearly demonstrates straight rebuy purchase model when routine repurchase of the same products under approximately the same terms of sale. First of all, companies recognise a problem in our case it is willing to make a money. Then, the development product speciation stage where peculiarities that product has to contained are claimed by CEO of the company. Next, principals look for the product which suit needs and after founding all possible products it is become evaluation phase after which CEO decide which product to buy. After first transaction and some feedback company decide to continue b2b relationship or not.


Rigez Agency . (2016, September 28). Печенье OREO в Украине. Retrieved from Oreo in Ukraine : http://oreo.com.ua/

среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.3

As I mentioned in mine previous works, the main Oreo target group is children. Because Oreo sell its cookies all over the world, the behavior, social environment and decision taken process are different in each region. I would like to take as example Arabic countries because the quantity of sold Oreo cookies at that region is the highest in proportion cookies/population.
     To begin with, in general in Arabic countries is Islamic countries which means that family life cycles are followed hear are usually all family members. Moreover, usually youth don’t live separately and independently until it’s become time for them to build their own families. In addition, in general Arabic people like to eat sweet food and snacks. They like to watch TV and they are more influenced by promotion. This environment creates for Oreo almost perfect condition, however, the price of the Oreo is not affordable for some groups of people if the countries.  
     The best stages of the family life cycle for Oreo is Parenting and Launching because as I mentioned beyond, Oreo target group is children. However, it does not mean that in other stages it is no sold cookies, especially in Arabic region. Oreo is convenience good, customers prefer to bought it at the shop or supermarket, it is traditional shopping. It is important that the Arabic people very loyal to brand which they are chose. When the customer realizes that he wants fast and sweet food it is his first step in decision making process. Next, he is trying to remember what he saw at the TV, internet, etc. advertisement for satisfying his needs. In the next step, customer evaluate varieties of brand which might sweet him. And then choose rather Oreo or not. If client choose Oreo and fells dissatisfied, he would probably have cognitive dissonance. (Samreen, 2016)

      If you want to see the attitude scale for measuring consumer attitudes towards Oreo cookies please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com.


Samreen, D. (2016, September 21). Market research on Oreo. Retrieved from Scribd : https://ru.scribd.com/doc/28443502/Market-research-on-Oreo


среда, 14 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.2

Oreo Mission Statement “We want our consumers to regard us as their primary snack food. We want our customers to know that we have their wants and needs in mind along with working to create products that will cater to their health conscious lifestyles.” (Altaf, 2015)
     Oreo is the market leader but it does not mean that it has no competitors. It has long been the best-selling cookies in the world. Their feature which distinguishes Oreos cookies from other is “Twist, lick, dunk”. It is huge marketing campaign which create from just cookies - a game which attract not only children but some adults as well. At the appendices you can see main competitors with their strange and weaknesses and produce offered by Oreo. Overall, we can make a few categories, competitors with qualitative and with bad quality cookies. The strong disadvantage of first group is Oreo reputation while strongest advantage is that people might get used to Oreo cookies and would like to try something new. For second group cons is quality and while pros I price and sometimes people are ready to sacrifice quality in order to save many. It is important to notice that Oreo reputation, well-known brand name, acquisitions with Dominos Pizza, Mc Donalds, Cakes, and Baskin Robbins., explain why exactly Oreo the market leader. (Samreen, 2016)

     Nowadays, by observing Oreo product lines and what it has been offering, we can realize that they are using Product Development Strategy. Which mean offering improved products on present market. Basically everything that Oreo sale is cookies, just with different size, flavor, etc.

For appendics please contact me on bogdan.salij@gmail.com


Altaf, H. (2015, August 6). Oreo. Retrieved from SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/hasnain21hasnain/oreo-51341112
Samreen, D. (2016, September 14). Market research on Oreo. Retrieved from Scribd: https://ru.scribd.com/doc/28443502/Market-research-on-Oreo


среда, 7 сентября 2016 г.

Oreo 1.1

     The Oreo products were chosen by me. Oreo was established in 1912 they started to sell the same product with Hydrox, chocolate cookies with crème. Hydrox were created by a small bakery in 1908 and in 4 years the baking giant Nabisco start selling almost the same product but in well-designed packaging. As a result, the small bakery was largely discontinued in 1999. (Rosenberg, 2016) That is the very good example of marketing influence. Nowadays, the company name is Kraft, the division is Nabisco and brand is Oreo. The core product is a sandwich cookies consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet crème filling in between. The biggest benefit of it is that it is not a high-priced product and the sweet delicious snacks at the same time. So even children’s are able to buy it, which is one of their targets group. It is Convenience goods because millions of people buying it every day, you can easily found it not only at big supermarkets but in small shops as well so it widely available product. In addition, it is very easy to found Oreo cookies especially “Original” one. Brand Oreo knew since 20 centuries and they continue big marketing program until nowadays. The latest example is the participation of sister Williams (one of the bests tennis player in the world) and of brothers Manning’s (famous football players). (Oreo, 2016) It is high-quality product because the company position to make a better product than their competitors. However, Oreo consists a lot of fat so it is not healthy food. The design is simple but pretty. Blue color of the package with cookie and milk at the middle. The most popular are a package with two and four original cookies inside. Oreo has a big verity of taste and size of the package for the different target group. For example, the family would buy “family” package with 10 small packages with 2 Oreo cookies insight. Children’s would buy a classic package with 2 or 4 cookies inside. Now, Oreo provides few features to their product like Oreo cookies with mint taste or small size of cookies. These innovations make target group bigger and attract new customers.
Oreo has only one product line it is Oreo cookies with different taste and size.
The most popular version of Oreo by size
Double Stuf Oreo, Big Stuf Oreo, Mini Oreo, and Triple Double Oreo The most popular version of oreo by taste
Strawberry Milkshake Oreo, Green Tea Oreo, Blueberry Ice Cream Oreo and Cool MintCream Oreo

Now Oreo is on decline stage of product life cycle because comparing to the previous year they have lower profit and market share. It is still highest comparing to their competitors but it was higher. The brand name is Oreo; it is metaphor type of brand name because “Oreo «means black outside but white inside. It was chosen because Oreo is chocolate (black outside) cookies with crème (white inside). (Uzor, 2015)

Oreo. (20 Apri 2016 y.). frequently asked questions. Retrieved from Oreo:
Rosenberg, J. (4 February 2016 y.). History of the Oreo Cookie. Retrieved from history1900s:
Uzor, Z. (30 December 2015 y.). Product Life Cycle of Oreo Cookies. Retrieved from Prezi:
